Department of Psychology
Dr. Jhelum Podder
PhD Head of Department Assistant Professor Department of Psychology Loreto College, Kolkata
Administrative Experience:
Research Interests:
Orientation / Refresher Courses:
- 2022 – Presented paper titled “Empty Couches - An Exploration of Psychoanalysis Within the Realm Of ‘Unreality’” 35th Annual Conference of European Psychoanalytical Federation ‘Ideals’ held in Vienna, Austria, on July 16, 2022.
- 2018 – Presented paper titled “The Libidinal Guide to Object Choice” COWAP International Conference on Women’s Safety in Dogmatic Times held in Kolkata, India, on March 9, 2018.
- 2018 – Presented paper titled “Development of Psychic Vacuum in the Absence of the (M)other” Seminar for the Exploratory Committee of the International Psychoanalytical Association held by the Indian Psychoanalytical Society, in Kolkata, India, on February 6, 2018.
- 2016 - Presented paper titled “(M)other As the Guide Towards the Libidinal Other” 3rd International Psychoanalytic Conference: An Invitation to Engaging with the Other – An Indo-Iranian Dialogue held in Delhi, India, on February 6, 2016.
- 2015 - Presented paper titled “The Cradle that Rocked the Mind” Centenary Conference on Psychology – An International Event held in Kolkata, India, on October 10, 2015.
- 2014 - Presented paper titled “Deconstructing the Doubtful Mind” 24th Annual Convention of National Academy of Psychology (NAOP) India held in Bhopal, India, on December 14, 2014.
- 2014 - Presented paper titled “The Boon(e) of the Asperger Language: A Character Review” International Conference on Developmental Disability (ICDD) held in Kolkata, India, on March 7, 2014.
- 2010 - Presented paper titled “Oedipus: The Deep-Rooted Reality of Homosexuality” 45th National and 14th International Conference of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology (IAAP) on Quality of Life and Globalization: Effective Self Care Interventions held in Vishakhapatnam, India, on February 19, 2010.
- 1. Name(s) of the Author(s) / Editor(s) with Designation: Author: Dr. Jhelum Podder, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Loreto College, Kolkata, India; Editor: Cordelia Schmidt-Hellerau, Training and Supervising Analyst at the Swiss Psychoanalytic Society and at the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute. Title of Chapter / Book: “Absent Touches”/ The Analyst as Storyteller / El Analista Como Narrador Publisher: Ipbooks Date / Year of Publication: March, 2021 Pages: 122-134 ISBN: ISBN 1949093824 Any other related information: Won International Short Story Writing competition titled “The Analyst as Storyteller/El Analista Como Narrador” organized by the Culture Committee of International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA), London in 2021.
- 2. Name(s) of the Author(s) with Designation: Jhelum Podder, Junior Research Fellow, Department of Psychology, University of Calcutta, Kolkata & Dr. Nilanjana Sanyal, Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Calcutta, Kolkata. Title of Paper: “The Boon(e) of the Asperger Language: A Character Review” Date / Year of Publication: July, 2014 Name of the Journal and Publisher (along with the information whether it is included in UGC CARE List at the time of publication): Indian Journal of Developmental Disabilities; Prasad Psycho International / National / State/ Local: National Details of Volume and Page Number: Volume: 2, No: 2; Pg 163-170. Peer Reviewed: Yes ISSN (Print): ISSN 23197951 DOI: NA Impact Factor: NA Website of the Journal: Any other related information: Nil
- 3. Name(s) of the Author(s) with Designation: Jhelum Podder, Research Scholar, Department of Psychology, University of Kolkata & Dr. Sonali De, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Calcutta, Kolkata. Title of Paper: “Oedipus – The Deep-Rooted Reality of Homosexuality” Date / Year of Publication: January, 2011 Name of the Journal and Publisher (along with the information whether it is included in UGC CARE List at the time of publication): SIS Journal of Projective Psychology and Mental health, Delhi, India; Somatic Inkblot Society. Yes. International / National / State/ Local: National Details of Volume and Page Number: Volume: 18, No: 1; Pg 77-88. Peer Reviewed: Yes ISSN (Print): ISSN 0971- 6610 DOI: NA Impact Factor: 0.948 Website of the Journal: x Any other related information: Awarded the Best Paper Award for this paper in the 14th International and 45th National Conference of IAAP, 2010.