College Events

Kitchen Garden Project

A Kitchen Garden Project was undertaken as a green initiative by the W.E. Nature Society of Loreto College, Kolkata on May 14, 2024. It aimed at reducing the carbon footprint of the college and promoting local food production. The designated plot of land in the college lawn was first tilled and prepared for sowing by the college gardener. The Acting Teacher-in-Charge, Sr. Dr. A. Nirmala, then initiated the project by sowing a selection of seeds. The staff advisors and members of the W.E. Nature Society and the Greenovation Club also sowed seeds under the guidance of the gardener, who subsequently took charge of the rest of the process. Several local crops such as pumpkin, spinach, and beans were planted. The task of regularly tending to the plants and applying fertilisers is being continued by the college gardener. This small community initiative was successful in utilising the available patch of land in a sustainable and productive manner.