College Events

Faculty Development Programme: Workshop on Digital Education and Empowerment

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Loreto College had organised a Faculty Development Workshop on Digital Education and Empowerment on September 15, 2023.
Dr Souvik Mukherjee spoke on the use of digital tools for research and reaching. Some of the tools focused on were reference and bibliography tools such as Zotero and cartographic tools such as Maptiler. In doing so, he also addressed questions of how digital cartography could be made more widely accessible through Digital Humanities.
In response to the recent Skill Enhancement Course on “Digital Empowerment”, recommended by Calcutta University for all students of Humanities and Language disciplines across affiliated institutions, Dr. Shantanu Majee delivered a pertinent lecture on “Teaching Digital Literacy in 2023”. He attempted to elaborate on the pedagogical ways in which digital immigrants may teach digital literacies to digital natives in Indian Classrooms. Speaking on the ever-expanding landscape of Digital Humanities (DH), he divided his presentation into five parts, traversing across DH Tools, ‘Digital’ as an object of study, the DH lab culture, Digital Publishing as DH and DH as an ethics. He further commented on the condition of DH in India and disseminated on several contemporary case-studies to confirm the relevance of DH in various aspects of academic life.
There was an overwhelming response and it ended with an interactive session.