College Events

Workshop on First-Aid and Health Education

The first-year students of the Department of B. Ed., Loreto College, Kolkata, attended a workshop on ‘First-Aid and Health Education’ on March 15, 2023. The workshop was organised by the Institute of Preventive Awareness (IPA). Mr. Pradip Mondal and Mr. Chandan Mitra, the two resource-persons spoke on various common situations where first aid may need to be urgently administered before the injured person can receive proper medical care.

The students learnt about the various pressure points in the body to control bleeding. They volunteered to be part of an exercise where they were taught the tourniquet method of tying a bandage. Interactive methods were used to demonstrate responses to a person suffering from a shock or lowered oxygen concentration, wounds, fractures, burns, or snake bites. Ice water was stated to be the most effective means to treat burns. The students were also explained as to what vaccine was to be administered in case of snake bites. The first part of the workshop ended with an interactive session where the students formed pairs to practice tying a triangular bandage in various ways for fractures.

The second segment of the workshop focused on a discussion of healthy foods and practices to follow to prevent diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and osteoporosis. The workshop concluded with an emphasis on the relevance of meditation in our stressful lives through a guided short meditation accompanied by soothing music.

The students are grateful to Mr. Mondal and Mr. Mitra from the Institute of Preventive Awareness, Kolkata for conducting this interactive workshop which helped the teacher trainees learn essential life skills.