College Events

NSS Health Camp 2023

The National Service Scheme (NSS) Society of Loreto College, Kolkata in collaboration with Lions Club International Dist. 32231 and Lions Club of Calcutta, Mahanagar organized a Health Camp on March 18, 2023 in the concert hall of Loreto College. The camp aimed to provide free medical check-ups to the office staff, the support staff, and the members of the Women’s Cell of the college. NSS student volunteers and residents of the college hostel were also given the opportunity to undergo basic health screening.
The Health Camp had a team of doctors including a general physician, a gynaecologist, and an ophthalmologist. Two trained nurses were also present. There were provisions for patients to get their blood pressure, haemoglobin, and eye health checked under medical supervision, and ECG tests were performed on those who required it urgently. Free medicines were also provided to those who needed them. Approximately 60 people were able to benefit from the available services and many of them left positive feedback based on their experiences. The camp also served as a reminder for all participants to be conscious about their health and to seek expert advice whenever necessary.