College Events

Book Launch: Department of Geography

The Department of Geography, celebrating 60 years of dedicated service, organized the release of the book titled Landscapes on the Edge: Risks, Resilience and Restoration edited by Dr Sushma Sahai, Head, Department of Geography, Loreto College and published by Authorspress, New Delhi on December 6, 2022. The Chief Guest was Mr Atri Bhattacharya IAS, Additional Chief Secretary, Government of West Bengal.

The edited volume is a repository of 22 contributions from leading scholars and researchers who have engaged in this publication covering diverse themes. The book consists of two sections, viz., Part A and Part B. The former is based on the deliberations of the ICSSR-ERC sponsored National Seminar titled Landscapes on the Edge: Risks, Resilience and Restoration organised by the Department of Geography, Loreto College. The contributions from the Resource persons from diverse backgrounds like, academicians, senior government and non-governmental officials, consultants to government and corporate sectors and research scholars addressed the challenges and issues facing diverse landscapes. Part-B constitutes the contributions from our most valued stakeholders - our alumnae.

The varied chapters offer a comprehensive understanding of landscapes, beyond the blinkered traditional concept of landscapes viewed in physical geography, but cuts across the boundaries of social, cultural and political geography to provide a holistic view of the contemporary landscapes. It offers a forward-looking synthesis, wherein it provides a platform for unconventional future research and multi-disciplinary writing.

This book is an attempt to explore the unconventional connotations of landscapes, substantiated with original qualitative and quantitative research. The interplay between what is known as ‘conventional landscapes’ and its immediate surroundings is what this book seeks to intellectually engage the readers in.