College Events

New Challenges in Education and the New Age Teacher

The Department of B.Ed. of Loreto College, Kolkata, organised a special lecture by Ms. Shuchismita Raha on ‘New Challenges in Education and the New Age Teacher’ on March 22, 2022. She explained the paradigm shift in education and technology in the pandemic years and the new challenges which teachers have to face in the post-pandemic era. During the course of the lecture, the teacher trainees were exposed to the importance of reimagining the traditional concept of learning, differentiated syllabus and competency-based evaluation. The role of the ‘New-Age Teacher’ as a facilitator of knowledge and empathetic communicator was highlighted. The lecture was followed by an interactive session. The discussion left a lasting impact on the minds of the teacher trainees. Ms. Shuchismita Raha concluded with the idea of equity in education. The special lecture provided a unique insight into the varied educational challenges and the abilities required from a ‘New Age Teacher’.