College Events

Fire Drill

On Wednesday, March 10, 2021, a Fire Drill was conducted, 6 months after receiving the Fire Safety Certificate from the Fire Department of Kolkata. Mr. Percival Gaspar was the resource person, once more.

The Plan of the existing Fire Safety arrangements made in the college was displayed on the chalk board in a classroom where the Support staff of the Campus and a few Sisters had gathered. A detailed explanation of the different causes of fire and suitable extinguishers used for each type was delivered in the vernacular, so that all could participate in the experience; this was followed by a drill with the extinguishers to be used for the fires caused by paper igniting, kerosene. ABC and CO2 extinguishers were used and the support staff practiced extinguishing the flames thus created on the lawn for the purpose.

In Part B of the Fire Drill, held on Monday, March 16, 2021, Mr. Kalyan Chatterjee, of Chatterjee Enterprise, checked the water pumps of the water tank for Fire Fighting, and practiced with the water hose pipes with the Support Staff, an exercise that helped renew the water in the underground tank and gave the staff first-hand experience of the use of fire-fighting equipment.