INSCAPE - An Online Book Review Competition by Library Society
The Library Society of Loreto College organized an online book review competition named ’Inscape’ in the month of May. The competition was open to the students of the UG, PG as well as the B. Ed. Departments. The participants were asked to produce original works in any of the three languages (English, Hindi or Bengali), while adhering to a 500 word limit. A total of 15 entries were received, mostly from the B. Ed and the MA English Department
The process of evaluating the review scripts was delayed due to the lack of internet services caused by the Amphan cyclone, but the judges took out time from their busy schedules to give the following results:
1st position: Madhulina Biswas (B. Ed.)
2nd position: Debdatta Basu (B. Ed.)
3rd position: Saheli Ghosh (B. Ed.)
The aim was to encourage students to break away from their lethargic selves and do something productive in the trying times of this mentally exhausting lockdown. The Library Society hopes to organise more such events in the near future.