College Events

Photography and Editing Competition by ICT Society

The ICT Society effectively organized an online Photography and Editing Competition on the theme ’Capture Quarantine’. The competition was open for all undergraduate students of the college from 19th May, 2020 for the duration of two weeks. Participants had to click a photograph on their phone and edit it in the most creative way possible using any mobile application.

The purpose of the event was to engage students in a creative activity that involves them to perceive their surroundings during the lockdown phase and present their feelings. The Society received 15 entries of which, top 3 entries were selected by Dr.Satyabrota Kundu, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics.

The top entries were submitted by the following students:
1. Janette Anupa Rozario, Geography Honours, 1st year
2. Faustina Louis Van, B.A, General, 1st year
3. Pragya Saha, Psychology Honours, 2nd year