College Events

International Women's Day

Loreto College, Kolkata observed International Women's Day on March 11, 2025 with its objective to empower women. The event was organized by the Gender Studies Cell in collaboration with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell. The event commenced with the welcome speech by President Sanjula Shanker followed by the lightening of lamp and an opening prayer. Sister Nirmala addressed the gathering, sharing her thought-provoking speech on women's empowerment.

Dr Sangita Sanyal then introduced to the gathering the UN theme of International Women Day 2025-"Accelerate Action" which emphasized on the urgency of advancing gender equality and equal opportunities, rights and power for all women. The event was then followed by felicitating our notable guest two policewomen from the Shakespeare Sarani branch as well as our college staff. The police woman gave us a detailed idea about present day harassment cases and awareness about women's rights and protocol and importance of self-defense techniques.

The highlight of the event was the Lakshmi Chatterjee Lifetime Memorial Award which was conferred upon Ms Indrani Ghosh, an alumna of Loreto College. Ms. Srijita Chakravarthy hence introduced Indrani Ghosh, the recipient of the Laksmi Chatterjee award, her commendable work focused on promoting educating education of disabled and slum children, strong holistic support to children in government and municipal schools and emphasis on Vocational schools, she shared with us her experience with the marginalized community at a grassroots level and overall work of her institution Anandan. Her insights hence deeply inspired our audience.

The next and final segment of the program focused on special lecture on "Women's Voices" by Ms. Shreyosi Ghosh. Dr. Krishnakoli introduce Ms Shreyosi Ghosh, an artist, film maker and poet and worked on sex workers, genocide survivors and HIV and AIDS survivors and Children. Through her Documentary, she gave us a qualitative understanding of Gender Sensitization, Gender Violence as a universal problem, and Journey of Victim to Survivor. Our students engaged in an interactive discussion regarding the various Gender violence problems, gained clarity about how to deal with gender biases and stereotypes in the society and learned about several institutions fighting against Gender stereotypes and violence.

The event was concluded by Dr. Suparna Bhattacharya with a vote of thanks, expressing gratitude to Sister Nirmala, the Gender Studies Cell and IQAC for successfully conducting the International Women’s Day program and spreading the empowerment message among the audiences.