Department Events

Career Oriented Certificate Course in Human Rights and Empowerment

The Loreto College Career Oriented Certificate Course in Human Rights and Empowerment was inaugurated on May 6, 2023. The ceremony took place in the College auditorium and was attended by Dr Sister Christine Coutinho, Principal, Loreto College, Mrs Sharmila Mitra Deb Academic and Administrative Officer Loreto College and renowned human rights activist, professor Sujato Bhadra. The course has been offered to the first year students of the College. A constellation of presenters from academia and civil society organisations, engaging workshops and educative field visits were the defining features of the course. Classes were held on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. The theme for this year was Democratic Citizenship for Women: Moving from Formal Equality to Transformative Equality.

On May 6th Professor Bhadra delivered a brilliant lecture on India’s Commitment in Upholding UN Conventions on Human Rights. Dr Maria Fernandez from West Bengal Commission on Women addressed the students on Women’s Rights are Human Rights and took them through the various forms of violence and abuse faced by women with special emphasis on the intervention strategies. Her engaging and inspiring lecture was much appreciated by the students.

Ms Aparajita Ganguly Bose, Coordinator Brave Souls Foundation spoke on the Challenges Faced by Survivors of Acid Attack. The students were moved and sensitised about the apathy of society towards the survivors and discrimination they are confronted with in everyday life. Dr Monalisa Saha of the Department of Law, University of Burdwan addressed the students on Role of Human Rights Courts and Institutions in India. Dr Debolina Sarkar, Guest Lecturer Department of Human Rights took classes on Understanding the Foundations of Human Rights and Feminist Consciousness and Empowerment. Ms Farah Khatoon, Senior Reporter The Telegraph gave a presentation on Women in Media. Sri Manabendra Mandal, Founder Director of SLARTC addressed the students on the History and Origin of Legal Aid Services in India. He also shared his decades of experience in helping socio-economically oppressed people in society.

Besides the lectures the students attended the programme Voices of Diversity: Dialogues Enabling Conversations and Inclusion organised by the Department of Human Rights in collaboration with the non-profit organisation BRIDGE.

As part of their practical work the students visited the SLARTC Training Centre in Chapuria near Barrackpore on June 21, 2023 to understand the process of empowering people at the grass-root level. On June 28, 2023 students attended an event at the American Centre, Kolkata. They met the US Consul General Melinda Pavek and had an engaging conversation with her about helping vulnerable women in the Sunderbans. The spirited participation of the students at this important interactive dialogue session on better inclusion and diversity in education and workspaces was much appreciated by all.