Department Events

Some Facets of Revolutionary Nationalism in Bengal

The Department of History organized an ICSSR sponsored Webinar on Some Facets of Revolutionary Nationalism in Bengal on April 23, 2022. Dr. Anindita Bandyopadhyay set the tone of the Webinar by dwelling on the different stages of nationalism. Prof. Rajsekhar Basu highlighted the rise of revolutionary extremism in Bengal. Dr Bharati Sen, daughter of eminent nationalist Suniti Chowdhury, gave a first-hand account of her mother’s ideology along with that of other women freedom fighters. Mrs Tapati Sengupta spoke on the struggles of Pritilata Wadedar and her ultimate sacrifice for her nation. The Webinar concluded with the students paying respect to the national leaders through songs, a video created on women revolutionaries and a dance drama on the Chittagong Armoury Raid. The Webinar sought to pay homage to the visions and ideals of our foremothers and forefathers who enabled us to experience a free and unfettered India.