Department Events

Tribes and Social Exclusion in India: Sociology of Education Approach

The Department of Education organized Special Lecture on Tribes and Social Exclusion in India: A Sociology of Education Approach in association with Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Loreto College June 11, 2021 from 4.00 p.m. IST onwards. The platform for the Talk was Google Meet. The audience comprised of students from the Departments of Education, Sociology and B.Ed Semester IV, Loreto College, Kolkata.

The Resource Person for the Lecture was Mr. Jai Shankar Prasad, Marie Curie Fellow and Doctoral Scholar, South Asia Institute (SAI), University of Heidelberg, Germany. Mr. Prasad delivered his lecture on Tribes and Social Exclusion in India: A Sociology of Education Approach. He highlighted that Social Exclusion in the context of India is a far more complex phenomenon than that of for any other country leading not only to refusal of accepting the participation of members of a social group or a section of society but the consequence of discrimination itself ends in deprivation. The tribal people have been subjected to both inclusion into and exclusion from the dominant development paradigm of the country. The lecture highlighted how regardless of the numerous protections and safeguards under the Constitution of India, the tribes of India continue to occupy the lowest position at all levels in Indian society. The progressive laws and the special development programmes have failed to deliver its promise to the tribal community.

The lecture was attended by and received active participation of students from the Departments of Education, Sociology and B.Ed.