Department Events

Report on B. Ed. Farewell Programme

Department of B.Ed., Loreto College, Kolkata organised a Virtual Farewell Programme for the outgoing B.Ed. batch of 2018-2020 on 22nd December, 2020. Sister Christine, Principal of Loreto College, Dr. Guha, Head of the Department of B.Ed., all teachers and all students, both past and present, participated in the farewell programme on Google meet platform. The cultural program included: A Prayer service- asking for the Almighty's blessings to be showered upon the outgoing batch, a soulful hindi bhajan, "Achutam Keshvam", dance performance based on an instrumental piece by Ananda Shankar, an english song, "I'll Always Remember You", bengali song "Tolo Chinno Bina", skit depicting the colleagues reminiscing their college days, recitation of the poem titled "Adieu" written by Shreyoshi Dutta, a power point presentation showcasing the memorable times spent by the outgoing batch in Loreto College and a special gift (Piano video) from Dr. Guha, Head of the Department of B.Ed. We wish the outgoing batch, Good Luck and the very best in future. May all their dreams come true!