Essay Writing Competition organised by Games Society

The Games Society of Loreto College, Kolkata recently organised an essay writing competition for all the students of the college (U.G and B.Ed). The aim of the competition was to encourage students to think critically about and express their opinions on topical issues. Students had to choose between ‘Gender bias in the world of sports’ and ‘Status of sports in post COVID-19 era’ for their essays. The entries were evaluated by Mr. Ratan Postwalla and Dr. Dinaz R. Jeejeebhoy and the following students were declared winners:

1. Madhulina Biswas, B.Ed- 2nd year

2. Debdatta Basu, B.Ed- 2nd semester

3. Ritirupa Acharjee, Geography Honours- 2nd year

4. Raaya Alee, Psychology Honours- 2nd year

E-certificates have been awarded to the winners.