History as a subject has faced a lot of prejudice, and has often been regarded as lifeless due to its habit of studying the past. However, History is a social science, which deals with the story of human civilizations since the first man appeared on earth and the story continues till today, because history is made every moment, in every corner of the world, and hence can be called it a progressive science. The aim of the 'History Society' is to spread awareness among people - about the importance of studying history, so that we can preserve our cultural heritage and prevent it from passing way into oblivion. Since it is by learning from the mistakes from yesterday that we can build a better tomorrow, where every human being would be happy. The History Society shall strive to attain its objective by undertaking programmes like historical excursions, attending lectures by eminent historians or professors, preparing projects on history, screening of documentaries and films of historical importance, and many such programmes. We are specially grateful to our teacher, Ms A. Chatterjee, since the History Society was her brainchild, as well as to all other teachers of our History Department.

While in essence this society spreads awareness about the importance of our past, this society also believes in debate, discussion and deliberation. Through engaging group activities like film screenings and film discussions, as well as major collaborations like Historia, the History society strives to inject fun, enjoyment and passion, into a subject otherwise regarded as dry and lifeless. By doing so, the society hopes to revitalize the study of history and make it a vibrant and dynamic pursuit.


Shriyaa Gangoli


Monica Dutta


Atreyee Banerjee

Staff Advisors:

Dr. Suparna Ghosh, Ms. Srijita Chakravorty
