The Social Service Society is a voluntary organization which is based on the maxim: to serve mankind is to serve God. It aims to inculcate the spirit of service, dedication and commitment and to bring smiles to the faces of those for whom life is full of distress. Members of the society not only give their time and support to those in need but also create awareness regarding social issues. The society aims at creating a spirit of service among the younger generation by motivating them to work voluntarily for the aged and under-privileged through various programmes throughout the year. The society organizes camps, initiates drives, raises funds for and spends time with the under-privileged. Student seminars are held on issues of current concern. Blood donation camps are regularly held. Several old age homes and schools for under-privileged children are regularly visited. Members of the society also actively participate in the literacy programme for the upliftment of disadvantaged young women through the aegis of the Loreto College Women's Cell.
Suriti Dutta
Khushi Jain
Sourima Sur
Staff Advisors:
Dr. Neeta Dang, Mrs. Sayoni Choudhuri Patra, Mrs. Sukanya Mullick