Life Skills Training for the Student Council of Loreto College

A Life Skills Training Session titled Life Skills Playshop was conducted for the Student Council of Loreto College by the Life Skills Training Group on June 25, 2024. The session was attended by 81 students who actively engaged in various activities. The playshop started with a meditation exercise aimed at setting the intention by connecting with nature. This was followed by a series of activities, including Join the Beats, Spark and Soar, Magic Carpet, Trailblazers, and Final Sprint. Each of the activities encouraged participants to engage in effective communication, self-awareness, team work, collaboration, mindfulness, interpersonal relationships, problem solving, and decision making. The training session ended with reflection and discussion wherein the floor was left open for participants to share their takeaways. The purpose of building community and trust was also highlighted. The programme ended with the participants being felicitated as young Phoenixes.
