Workshop on Research Methodology in English for Semester V Students

On September 30, 2024, the Research Cell of Loreto College, Kolkata, in collaboration with the Department of English, organised a workshop on Research Methodology for Semester V students of English. The workshop was conducted by Dr. Sukanya Dasgupta, Associate Professor, Department of English, Loreto College, Kolkata.

The workshop commenced with Dr. Dasgupta highlighting the meaning and importance of research in all disciplines and the difference between research method and research methodology. This was followed by a detailed PowerPoint presentation on research methodology. Dr. Dasgupta first established the scope of research methodology as a subject in its own right before proceeding to a detailed discussion on the principles and methods of research, their application, and the types of citation and bibliography. The students learned about the different types of research and the seven steps of the research process, including the procedure of formulating a research question, the importance and process of literature review, the formulation of a hypothesis and the testing of the same, the instrumental role played by the research design, the myriad methods of data collection, analysis of the data, and finally the interpretation and presentation of the report.

The immensely enlightening workshop ended with the students taking a short test on research methodology. Dr. Dasgupta also encouraged the students to take up research projects and consider submitting their works for publication.
