A Session on Preparation for Interview

The Career Counselling Cell of Loreto College organized an interactive session on 24th March 2025, from 11 am to 12noon for the fourth-semester students of the Department of B.Ed. The session aimed to prepare trainee teachers for upcoming job interviews, offering practical insights and professional guidance. Mrs. Reena Sharda, Retired Vice Principal of South Point School (Primary Section), was the esteemed resource person for the event.

Mrs. Sharda began the session by sharing her journey in education and the reasons behind her decision to pursue B.Ed. This prompted the teacher trainees to reflect on their own motivations, creating an engaging and personal discussion. She then systematically explained the interview process, beginning with the essentials of a well-structured CV. She highlighted the importance of including a cover letter, ensuring accuracy and professionalism, and tailoring each application to the institution.

She emphasized that once a CV is shortlisted, candidates must take note of the interview schedule and prepare accordingly. On the day of the interview, she advised students to dress formally, maintain confidence, and arrange their documents in order. She reiterated the importance of a pleasant demeanour, a natural smile, and a strong grasp of subject knowledge.

The session also covered effective preparation techniques. Ms. Sharda suggested practicing responses to common interview questions in front of a mirror to improve clarity and confidence while cautioning against memorization. She encouraged students to answer with spontaneity rather than giving rehearsed responses.

Among the key takeaways were the cardinal rules of interviews: never speak negatively about a current or former employer, always be honest, uphold integrity, and research the institution thoroughly. She reminded students that no interview is perfect and that setbacks should not be seen as failures. Instead, she urged them to view rejection as a stepping stone to greater opportunities. She ended on an inspiring note, affirming that each individual carries a unique potential-"a rainbow within"-and should not hesitate to take the road less travelled.

For the outgoing batch of trainee teachers, this session was an invaluable experience, providing them with confidence, clarity, and the motivation to step into their professional journeys with resilience and determination.
