IC Programme on POSH Guidelines for Support Staff

On January 9, 2025, the Internal Committee (IC) of Loreto College, Kolkata organised an awareness programme on the POSH Act and guidelines for 16 support staff of the college. The resource person was Ms. Neha Pradhan Arora of the Mudita Foundation, New Delhi. Ms. Pradhan Arora elucidated on the importance of comprehending the POSH guidelines from the legal and social perspective, explaining in detail the formal step-by-step process in place for the prevention of sexual harassment in the workplace. She also highlighted the importance of gender sensitisation. Her presentation was translated into Bengali by members of the faculty so that the support staff could clearly comprehend the rules governing the Act. Ms. Pradhan Arora also interacted with them in Hindi and Bengali to clarify doubts and answer queries. The support staff duly filled up a feedback form for the Mudita Foundation after the session.
