LCAA Silver Jubilee Celebrations

The Loreto College Alumnae Association (LCAA), formed in January 2000, celebrated its silver jubilee on January 10 and 11, 2025 with a medley of events. The two-day programme, attended by a large number of ex-students, current students, and faculty members, began with the ceremonial lighting of the lamp followed by a recital of semi-classical thumris by an alumna, Ms. Avantika Sinha, and a dance performance by senior alumna, Ms. Amita Dutt and her group.

A panel discussion titled 'The Loreto Difference,' moderated by Ms. Oindrilla Dutt, saw some of the eminent Loreto achievers-Prof. Krishna Sen, Prof. Tilottama Tharoor, actress Moon Moon Sen, media personality Sudeshna Roy, and Prof. Shabina Omar-get together to share their experiences about how studying in Loreto has made a difference to their lives. Prof. Sen and Prof. Tharoor spoke about how Loreto women were perceived by their colleagues in their respective workplaces and how they navigated those worlds which were completely different from the one in Loreto. Moon Moon Sen spoke about the contribution of the Irish nuns and how having a Loreto background often ensured that people treated her with respect. Sudeshna Roy spoke about her journey in Loreto and how she was surprised to know that her then principal, Sr. Maeve, had a deep knowledge of the writings of Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay and how this taught her never to take anyone for granted. Prof. Omar said that her years in Loreto made her aware of the fact that women, irrespective of their backgrounds, should be respected, and this is something that she has tried to teach her sons.

Poet and alumna Zilka Joseph interacted with a small and intimate group of ex-students, students, and teachers in the first afternoon session and discussed the literary influences on her poetry, the creative process, and her Bene Israeli roots and childhood in Kolkata. The final session for the day was a panel discussion moderated by Dr. Julie Banerjee Mehta entitled 'Going Global'. The session brought together alumnae achievers from across the world and foregrounded how Loreto education and values have shaped many who have made a global impact through their ideas and work. From high profile bankers like Ratna Kakkar to Emmy-award-winning journalist and activist Ruchira Gupta, the panelists acknowledged the contribution of their alma mater in shaping their lives and careers.

The second day of the Silver Jubilee began with a fun event with about thirty children from four shelter homes across the city. In keeping with Loreto's core value of giving back to the society, alumnae members spent time with the children by conducting fun activities and games for them.

A lovely lunch was organised at Glenburn Penthouse on Russell Street at 12 noon along with an interaction with celebrity chef Shaun Kenworthy and the designer and architect Ms Sunita Kohli, a Loreto alumna. They were in conversation with Oindrilla Dutt. Both Kenworthy and Kohli spoke about different types of cuisines and how food is culture specific and is shaped by different experiences. Ms. Kohli had come to Kolkata to launch her new cookbook The India Cookbook: From the Tables of my Friends. She spoke about her mother who had written and published a cookbook herself and had inspired her daughter to write one too. The stimulating conversation about food whetted the appetite of the listeners, who were more than happy to gorge on the lovely spread that followed at the Glenburn Cafe.

The concluding event was the Grand Reunion where more than a hundred and fifty ex-students, teachers, and retired teachers came together in a spirit of bonhomie to revisit their college days. Sr. Claire, a former Principal, also joined the Reunion. The organising team of alumnae was felicitated by Sr. Dr. A. Nirmala.
