Loreto College is affilated to the University of Calcutta

Welcome: Dear Parents

Programme being pursued by your ward:
Your ward is under:
1)Are you satisfied with the curriculum design?
  Not at all
2)Is the study load very heavy?
  Not at all
3)Are you satisfied with the manner in which your ward is informed about the syllabus, course outcomes, time plans followed by faculty and the relevant reading lists?
  Very Satisfied
  Moderately Satisfied
4)How would you rate the faculty’s ability to deliver the curriculum effectively?
5)Does your ward have easy access to relevant reference material?
6)Is the curriculum relevant to ward’s future aspirations?
  Not at all
7)Does the curriculum impart the skills necessary for employability?
  Not at all
8)How effective is the faculty with regard to implementing the curriculum beyond classroom teaching through seminars, workshops, debates and field trips?
  Very Poor
9)Does the college successfully train your ward in human values of compassion, discipline, integrity, inclusiveness and gender sensitivity through curriculum delivery?
  Not at all
10)Are you satisfied with the Continuous Internal Assessment followed by the College?
  Not at all
11)Would you be interested in parent-faculty interactions with regard to your ward’s academic progression?
12)Does the curriculum sustain your ward’s interest in the subject?

Any other observations: