Dear Loretoites, your valuable inputs will help us grow further as an institution of Higher Education. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey.

Personal Information

Contact Number:
Year of Joining College:
Degree Obtained:
Highest Degree Obtained from this College:
Year of completion of course:
Current Employer:
Job Title:
Feedback on Infrastructure and the College Environment
1)There was enough scope for participation in extra and co-curricular activities in college
  Strongly Agree
2)How would you rate the infrastructure facilities (smart classrooms, laboratories, common room, fields, auditoriums etc) of the college?
  Very Good
3)The college provides adequate facilities to persons with disabilities
  Strongly Agree
4)The library is well equipped and user friendly
  Strongly Agree
5)There is an effective grievance redressal mechanism in place for students in the college.
  Strongly Agree
6)How would you rate the Placement Cell of the college?
  Very Good
7)The curriculum and engagement in college activities has raised your awareness about issues such as gender, environment and sustainability, human values and has inspired you to be a better citizen.
  Strongly Agree
Feedback on the Teaching-Learning Experience
8)How would you rate the faculty of the college based on their knowledge of the subject and teaching abilities?
  Very Good
9)The course curriculum helped you to acquire critical thinking and problem solving skills.
  Strongly Agree
10)The course curriculum helped you to develop the habit of experiential learning through practical engagements (study tours, excursions, projects, workshops etc).
  Strongly Agree
11)The evaluation and assessment processes enhanced your subject knowledge as well as independent thinking in challenging situations.
  Strongly Agree
12)The curriculum helped you to develop your communication skills and ability to work in teams.
  Strongly Agree
Additional Feedback
13)Have you stayed connected with the institution since the completion of your course?
14)Do you want to be part of the college alumnae network?

Please give suggestions for improvement, if any: